Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Jounral 12

On Wednesday Velentine's Day i went to school I got 2 gift from my friends. In the writting class i should finish my journal on the

Journal 11

On Wednesday i went to libary read a book about my homework information. After that i go home drive my mother to to shop.

Jounral 10

On Monday i was sick. because i got flu. i can't go to school. So i stay home all day and play internet game in the computer.

Jounral 9

Yeasterday, after school i went to home to write the adress f friends from different countys and citys. Afterwards i went to Chinatown pick up my brother's son. Tonight we went to watching moive.

Jounral 8

Last week i went to a gitf store buy a gift for friend. Because it is her birthday. Tonight we have a party at her house.

Jounral 7

On Friday i went to writting class at the morning. After school i went to shop with my friends in Macy's and Bestbuy.

Jounral 6

On Thusday i had full time job work for sushi house. When i came home it is 11:00 PM tonight.